All for GAL Hassin

Support GAL Hassin


You too can support GAL Hassin in many ways — during your visit, with donations, with voluntary work or collaboration, with services for carrying out events, and with sponsors.


Donate your 5×1000 to GAL Hassin

When filing your next tax return, you can choose to allocate your 5×1000 of IRPEF tax to the GAL Hassin Foundation.

For that, use the following tax code: 96027320827

Allocating your 5×1000 to the Gal Hassin Foundation will not cost you anything extra — it does not mean an additional expense for the taxpayer. it is not an additional tax, nor does it either replace the 8×1000, but it is simply a way to freely choose the body or association to which to allocate part of your taxes that would otherwise go to the State.

We would also be grateful if you would promote the initiative among people close to you who might be interested too in supporting our work with their free contributions.

Supporting Member

If you would like to become a supporting member, please our administrator Salvatore Norato:
mob. +39 329 845 2944

The Statute of the GAL Hassin Foundation foresees that GAL Hassin can welcome diverse kinds of donors, both public and private.

Art. 1, paragraph 6: Supporters of the Foundation

The title of Supporters can be assumed by entities, physical or juridical persons, public or private, Italian or foreign, who, sharing the aims of the Foundation, contribute to the work  of the same and to the realization of its aims by means of annual or pluriannual contributions in money, with the modalities and in an amount not inferior to the one established, also annually, by the Board of Directors or an activity, also professional, of particular importance or with the attribution of material or immaterial goods. Supporters may allocate their contribution to specific projects within the scope of the Foundation.

The title of Supporter is granted upon review of the application sent to the President of the Foundation, specifying the contribution he/she intends to make to the Foundation. The Board of Directors shall decide on the application with a resolution adopted with the favorable vote of the majority of its members.

Supporters must explicitly agree to comply with the provisions of these articles of association and regulations.

The status of Supporter is not transferable.


Culture is what makes man not just an accident in the Universe.

André Malraux